Frequently Asked Questions
about Hair Restoration

Is it Successful?

Yes! Hair transplantaion has been continually refined over the last 40 years and Australia has a proud record as a leader in developing and refining advances in this field. In experienced hands, approximately 90% of the transplanted hairs will grow in their new position, permanently. Hair transplantation does not achieve your original hair density but generally provides good to excellent coverage.

Is it Safe?

Yes. Hair transplantation has a justified reputation as being very safe. Only a few patients experience minor side-effects such as initial swelling and temporary numbness in the transplanted area. Minor bruising is very uncommon. Complications are also unusual and may include minor infection at the graft site which easily responds to antibiotics.

Is it Painful?

No. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and mild sedation (which makes you drowsy but awake) so that no discomfort is felt during the procedure. Mild analgesics are provided afterwards to relieve any minor discomfort felt over the 24-48 hours following the procedure. Ice packs may be used for the first 48 hours after the procedure to minimise any swelling that may occur.

Are there any scars?

A minor scar is created in the lower scalp donor area after removal of the donor skin. This area is closed with fine dissolving sutures and surrounding hair covers this narrow scar easily. Even your hairdresser will have trouble finding it! The graft sites in the upper scalp heal with almost no scarring which may only be barely visible upon close inspection if seen at all. In any case it is effectively covered by the transplanted hairs.

How Many Procedures are Required?

This depends on the size of the area to be treated and the density required. It will be discussed with you at the initial consultation. It may be as little as two procedures.

When Does the New Hair Appear?

After the procedure small scabs or crusts form on the grafts which protect the grafts. After 10-14 days these will flake off by themselves or may be gently removed. At this time, most of the transplanted hair seen above the scalp will initially be shed. This is normal. However the hair roots or follicles below the skin will produce new hairs after 8-12 weeks. Each graft generally produces between 1 to 4 hairs. At first only a few hairs are seen, but many hairs are now growing beneath the skin and they will appear gradually during the first six months. The results are at first gradual and subtle, but very certain. After 2 procedures and 8-12 months, after the hair has had a chance the grow out, the results are generally very pleasing.

When Should I Start Treatment?

Patients may have hair restoration surgery at any age. It is often better to start when you are not completely bald so that you can use existing hair to camouflage the procedures. However, because hair loss tends to be both gradual and progressive, it is often unwise to start surgical treatment in a patient who is very young. Medical treatments such as Finasteride and Minoxidil may be offered to men with mild to moderate hair loss to help preserve thinning hair in the crown. Hair transplants can be used to fill-in the front hairline and thicken the front half of the scalp, and medical treatments can be used to maintain hair behind the transplants and possibly enhance the long-term results of hair restoration surgery. Dr Knudsen can design an individulized plan to fulfill your specific needs.

How Do I Know if I am a good candidate?

An ideal candidate is someone with dense hair in the permanent fringe of hair-bearing scalp. A patient with light-coloured hair and pale skin (as opposed to dark hair and pale skin) may appear to have a denser look. Patients with very wavy curly hair may require fewer sessions than someone with straight hair. While hair transplants look very natural, the end result may not achieve the density or total coverage that you had when you were a teenager. Results can vary from patient to patient.

What Service is Provided after the Procedure?

Comprehensive notes are provided to each patient at the completion of the procedure. In addition, a follow-up appointment will be made for the patient to see Dr Knudsen approximately two weeks after the procediure. Regular check-ups (at no additional cost) will be provided during the treatment phase.

Are there any Guarantees of Success?

YES! We are so confident of the skill and experience of our team with our leading edge techniques that we guarantee to replace any transplanted graft at no charge if it fails to produce hair after a reasonable time, provided adequate donor hair exists.

Want More Information?

To get the complete picture on your hair loss condition we encourage you to call our Clinic and make an appointment to see Dr. Knudsen. This is an informative, confidential, and obligation free consultation (fully covered by Medicare). Photographs of our results are available and if desired, we can arrange for you to meet some of our patients to see the results for yourself.


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